Schedule for Saturday September 29 7:30am - Arrive at KCHS 8am - Depart (granola bar/juice/something in stomach) 11am - Arrive at the Dundee Travel Center on US 23 - Stretch, Basics - Eat Lunch - Get into Uniform/Bibbers 12pm - Depart 1pm - Arrive in lot at Bowling Green - Unload 1:55pm - Warmup Begins 2:25pm - Pit and props depart 2:50pm - Band at the Gate 3pm Performance - Pics - Unload at Trailers/load trailers - Back to the stadium in uniform 5pm Awards 5:30pm - Head to Next Parking Lot - Kids get out of uniforms - Eat Dinner in Picnic area 6:45pm - Walk Back to Stadium 7:15pm - National Anthem 10:30pm - Awards - Walk Back to Buses - Snack Bag 11pm - Depart - No Rest Area Stop (3 hours 15 minutes) 2:15am - Arrive at Kent City HS
Important Information About BOA
We will be performing in prelims. The top 12 bands (regardless of classification) participate in Finals. The band will be watching Finals even if we don't qualify to perform.
Parents are able to sign out students after awards and band dismissal on Saturday.
Spectator Parking • A spectator lot is located southwest of the stadium. Please enter from Mercer Road (to the west of the stadium). See attached maps for further information, and allow ample time for parking and arrival to the stadium. • There is a $10 charge for spectator parking in this area. • There will be a bag and security check at the Spectator Gate. Please share this with your parents and boosters in advance. • Outside food and beverage is NOT allowed in the Stadium. Please share this with your parents and boosters in advance.
Schedule for BOA: 8:15 AM Box Office Opens 8:45 AM STADIUM GATES OPEN 9:15 AM Preliminary Competition Begins 11:45 AM LUNCH 12:30 PM Preliminary Competition Resumes 2:30 PM BREAK 3:00 PM Preliminary Competition Resumes 4:45 PM Preliminary Competition Ends Exhibition: Bowling Green State University 5:00 PM PRESENTATION OF AWARDS
All Competing Band Drum Majors 5:30 PM Finalist Directors Meeting Stadium Cleared Dinner Break 6:45 PM GATES OPEN 7:15 PM National Anthem 7:45 PM First Performing Finalist Band 10:15 PM Finals Competition Ends Exhibition: Bowling Green State University 10:30 PM FINALE – PRESENTATION OF AWARDS
OFFICIAL BOA SOUVENIRS POWERED BY PEPWEAR All 2018 Official Bands of America and Music for All Merchandise is powered by PepWear! New apparel, including the Commemorative 2018 BOA Championship T-shirts and event souvenirs are available for purchase onsite at the BOA souvenir stand and online at Please tell your students and their families so they can bring home a BOA souvenir!
MAKE THE JOLESCH ENTERPRISES AREA PART OF YOUR BOA EXPERIENCE As you plan your performance day at the 2018 Bands of America Championships, we ask and encourage you to include a stop at the group and section photo areas established for Jolesch Enterprises, our Official Photographer. Full band group and section photos are included in the performance flow immediately following your preliminary performance. Commemorative group photos are not only an important part of the experience for your students now, but are often sought after years later and a photo not taken cannot be replicated. Jolesch Enterprises will provide three complimentary group photos for each band that takes the group photo. Group photo sales also support Bands of America and Music for All programs.